Macabre 80s Cult Campy Horror!

This one is about a Resonator, a futuristic machine that's a two-way window to the soul and allows you to see entities from another dimension; but they can see you too, and they're hungry unleashing all manner of evil creatures and enabling individuals to indulge their most sinister desires and depraved fantasies. This film lacked some of the ghoulish original humor of Re-Animator, but its script is better thought-out, and there are lots of scary, campy moments and spectacularly gruesome special effects.
23 years later, an indie filmmaker Blair Erickson released ”Banshee Chapter” in 2013 starring Ted Levine and Katia Winter, rebooting the original story. Both movies are a good quarantine watch but ”From Beyond” takes the prize for being more interesting and more satisfying. A cult classic of menacing design and blood-curdling execution, From Beyond is a perverse head-trip of horror.
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