Evil robotic spiders from the future versus an acrophobic super cop!

A hype free Movie and Music Review blog curated by the Websnacker and Crew. Plus Irreverent Commentary, Slice of Life Vignettes and Random Incisive Thoughts on Culture, Travel, Design, Marketing, Activism, Environment, Men, Women, and Everything else in between. Besides every now and then, a healthy dose of sparkling Music, hard to find Movies, a sprinkle of wisdom, and a dash of the unexpected.
Social Maverick, Blog Boss, Globetrotter, Flick Fanatic, Vinyl Vulture, Marketing Maven, Pixel Pusher, Digital Nomad, Anti-Corporate Crusader, Ghost in the Machine, Trendsetter, Contrarian, Bootlegger Extraordinaire, Design Ninja, Eco-Warrior, Future Visionary, Open Source Advocate, Optimist Extraordinaire, Web DJ, and Curator of this Digital Den. A cinematic and musical hoarder with a personal stash of 15k+ movies and 50k+ tracks. Hit me up, and let's dive into the rabbit hole together.Read More..
All the content - Music, Movies, Reviews, Articles and other stuff here are for your personal reading, hearing and viewing only. It has been gathered from around the world and is honestly meant to promote the original artists/creators so please don’t trip out. It’s a global haul, curated to shine a spotlight on the original creators. Don’t sweat it. The Websnacker Blog simply acts as a tastemaker - a broadcaster letting you discover great content, hear fresh music and see amazing movies usually not covered by the mainstream media - an eclectic experience to see the world in a different perspective. The Websnacker Blog is your personal DJ, a curator of cool, a gateway to the underground. It’s a mind-bending trip, a chance to see the world through a different lens. But hey, if you’re one of those copyright cops who doesn’t vibe with this whole sharing thing; I mean if you happen to be one of the fancy pants that owns the copyright to stuff that you see here and don't agree with this act of goodwill, drop me a line, and I’ll vanish the content faster than you can say, "Hip Hop, Be Bop, Don’t Stop." Chill out. Still waiting for that Alien Invasion and those little green dudes to show up.!
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